I help creative leaders grow, redesign their careers and reimagine their lives

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Let’s work together to creatively design your career and life around what really matters to you, so you can thrive, even when everything feels like a dumpster fire.

After working for 20+ years in design and leadership, I learned (the hard way) that burnout is persistent. Finding fulfillment and balance in your career is challenging. I became a coach to help people find meaningful careers and their own path towards actually enjoying their lives.


I combine creative processes with coaching techniques to help you discover what you want and take decisive actions.

One-on-one, ongoing, personalized coaching sessions. Ideal for those working towards a big work or life change, achieving a specific goal, or seeking steady support in their leadership roles or creative careers. Explore your strengths, uncover growth opportunities, and gain clarity on what you really want and how to make it happen.

Strategy session
This is a one-hour session where we can dive into a specific challenge or untangle a messy situation. Ideal if you want a quick fix for a pressing issue, a shift in perspective, a brainstorming partner, or just need help clearing a mental block.

Portfolio review
Prepare for your upcoming design or leadership interview with a thorough, one-time portfolio review. Leveraging my experience as a hiring manager, I’ll give you feedback to help strengthen your personal narrative, showcase your strengths, and clarify your value. Build confidence in your story with a test run in a safe and constructive space.

Not sure what makes sense for you? Schedule a call to chat about it and see how we might work together.


“I came to coaching feeling uncertain about where I see myself in the near future. Renda helped me clarify what is important to me and how to remain true to my values when evaluating life decisions. The process of working with Renda gave me courage to initiate conversations at work (and home) that express what I believe in, in a productive way. As a result of coaching I gained confidence when navigating through challenging situations at work. Renda helped me set focused goals, and pave a path to achieving them. Overall, I made an internal transformation I didn't foresee. One aspect of my transformation is learning to appreciate my own value in my community.”
— Aviva Michaelov

“Renda was instrumental in helping me think through a major career change, always pushing me to overcome my self-imposed limits and change the story I was telling about myself. With her help, I was able to build the confidence and courage to start the next chapter of my life.”
— Christopher King

“Having Renda as my leadership coach was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my career. I was in the midst of a career transition and Renda helped me identify my goals, then provided practical guidance and feedback on my resume, portfolio, and networking options. Her deep knowledge of the tech landscape was invaluable. She asked all the right questions and was able to frame the issues that needed the most attention. She is an incredibly intelligent and empathetic coach. Her personality is grounded, honest, and refreshing. I highly recommend working with her. You will see things in new ways.”
— Victoria Lam

About me

My coaching practice is shaped by my 20+ years as a design leader in tech and media, running my own design agency, and my coaching training through Co-Active. I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and hold their Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.

When I began my career in design, I was driven by different goals and ambitions. Living through the pandemic and losing a parent unexpectedly really put things into perspective for me. What matters when nothing matters? Reflecting back, I realized that what was most important to me was making work a better place for my team and helping designers and leaders grow. That’s what inspired me into coaching full-time.

My past life in design, I led teams where designers could personally thrive while also being pushed to grow professionally. As a design director at Dropbox, I led a team that was focused on evolving the core product beyond file syncing. I also had my dream job working in design at The New York Times, where I elevated from design IC to VP. I had the privilege of working on a redesign of nytimes.com and leading design for The Times’ new product team: NYT Cooking, Crosswords, The Wirecutter, etc.

Before all my corporate design jobs, I co-founded and ran Rumors, a design studio focused on interactive, brand, and editorial design. As a small business owner, I was responsible for managing the creative work alongside new business development, finances, people, project management, and all that other random stuff you have to do when you work for yourself.

Outside of coaching, I spend a lot of time exploring northern New Mexico, where I now live. I’m learning how to have hobbies for the first time in my life, such as sewing and baking at high altitudes. I’m also risking it all to learn how to snowboard, hoping to find a way to enjoy the outdoors in the winter.